|                   | | | | | |  |  | |  > Past Exhibitions > Current Exhibitions > Future Exhibitions > Gallery News |  | | | HIGH LOW Reception: Saturday, November 23, 3-6 p.m. Exhibition: November 23, 2013 - January 4, 2014 | | The Irvine Fine Arts Center is pleased to present HIGH LOW, a group exhibition focusing on different artistic practices in the realm of ceramics. This show will feature a mix of established, mid-career and emerging southern California-based artists, and one guest artist, Petra Schilder, from The Netherlands who each provide distinctive visions in their engagement with the ceramics media. Artist included in the exhibition are Tetsuji Aono, Jody Baral, Phyllis Green, Julia Haft-Candell, Roger Herman, Matthias Merkel Hess, Mitsuko Ikeno, Bill Jaros, Shoshi Kanokohato, Seth Kaufman, Christopher Miles, Thomas Müller, Mike Pierzynski, Petra Schilder, Adam Silverman, Richard Turner, Monique van Genderen, Tam Van Tran, Jessika Wood Images pictured (left to right): Phyllis Green, Chifa: Green, clay and mixed media, 59" x 18" x 18", 2007-08 Phyllis Green, Dancers (Odd Old Things), clay and mixed media, 7" x 6" x 6", 2010-12 Matt Merkel Hess, Blitz 2 Gallon Gas Can, porcelain, drippy red glaze, 2013 | | | | | | | | | | | |
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