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Irvine Police Officers Honored by MADD at City Council Meeting


On Tuesday, March 12, 2013, a representative from Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) was present at the Irvine City Council meeting to recognize 12 officers from the Irvine Police Department for their outstanding contributions to the apprehension of impaired drivers.  Each officer was called forward to receive a plaque from MADD.


Officers Denny Bak and Peter Fulks were each honored for their more than 50 DUI arrests each. Officer Bak arrested 70 impaired drivers and Officer Fulks arrested 53 impaired drivers during this past year preventing an unknown number of accidents, injuries and possibly deaths. 


Nine additional officers were also honored for arresting 25 or more impaired drivers each.

·         Officer Justin Ortega (26 arrests)

·         Officer Richard Bee (28 arrests)

·         Officer William Hillyard (28 arrests)

·         Officer Haldor Larum (28 arrests)

·         Officer Edward Martinez (28 arrests)

·         Officer Scott Grange (29 arrests)

·         Officer Adam Hastings (29 arrests)

·         Officer David Thai (30 arrests)*

·         Officer James Ayres (33 arrests)

·         Officer Nick Kim (34 arrests)


MADD is a nationwide, non-profit organization that works to stop drunk driving, prevent underage drinking, and support victims, survivors, and families affected by drunk driving. The Orange County Chapter of MADD was formed in 1981 and offers services to the local community, including youth programs, victim services, and special events.  MADD works closely with Orange County law enforcement agencies to support the prosecution and apprehension of those who put the public at risk by driving under the influence of alcohol.