| Honoree
The City of Irvine appreciates the service of the following honoree:
Wall of Recognition | | Sam and Lily Castelo | | Irvine Senior Council | | Sam and Lily Castelo moved to Irvine more than 30 years ago. Raised in the Philippines, they came to the United States as a military family, based on Mr. Castelo longtime service in the United States Navy. When they moved to Irvine, the Castelos already had five children. Their family was among the first to establish a Filipino presence in Irvine, bringing a rich culture and history to our community. Sam has served on several City committees Human Rights Committee, the Cemetery Committee (encouraging a Veterans Cemetery), and on the Irvine Senior Citizens Council. Mrs. Castelo worked for the County of Orange, and for years fostered the growth and influence of the Filipino community in Irvine. She passed away in 2013. |
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