| Concrete Maintenance John Dupont, Street Maintenance Supervisor |   | The Concrete Maintenance Program inspects, schedules, and repairs displaced or damaged concrete sidewalks, curb and gutter within the city right-of-way. This Program is intended to prevent trip and fall incidents due to the deterioration of aging sidewalks, aprons, and access ramps. Curb and gutters are also inspected and repaired as part of the program to ensure proper water flow to the storm drain system. Displaced or damaged concrete may be temporarily repaired to remove an immediate trip hazard. Trip hazards are repaired by grinding at the area lifted. If a sidewalk or apron has too high of a vertical displacement (usually above 1.5 inches) it will be temporarily ramped with a concrete patch. After an area is temporarily repaired it is scheduled for replacement on a project list in the order it was received. Requests for removal and replacement are generally completed within 30 to 60 days. |
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