| Emergency Preparedness - Assemble Disaster Supply Kits Back to Emergency Management PageBack to Emergency Preparedness Page | Since you don't know where you'll be when an emergency occurs, it is important to prepare emergency supply kits for home, work, and for your vehicles. The following are some basic supplies your kits should include and can be purchased locally at retail stores throughout Irvine. These items will need to be customized to the ages of your children, your climate, and other variables. You should recycle perishible items (e.g., batteries, water, etc.) on a regular basis. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR EMERGENCY KITS ACCESSIBLE. Stowing your kits in the back of a closet or in the rafters of your garage may cause them to become inaccessible in the event of a fire or major earthquake. Keep the kit in a visible designated location and have it ready for immediate use in the event you need to leave your home quickly. Examples of containers used to store of your emergency supplies are: - Plastic trash cans
- 5 gallon paint buckets
- Plastic storage containers
- Dufflebags
- Backpacks
|  | | Regardless of what you choose to store your emergency supplies in, try to avoid containers made of paper, cardboard, or other materials likely to deteriorate over time. REMEMBER: Everyone in your family must be able to move and use your emergency kit. Although you want to keep your kit filled with everything you may need in the event of a disaster, it is recommended you keep your kits as light weight as possible for easy transportation and deployment. If necessary, place your emergency supplies into multiple containers to divide the weight and encumbrance. | | _____________________________________________________________________ Your Home Emergency Supply Kit _____________________________________________________________________ | | _____________________________________________________________________ Your Work Emergency Supply Kit _____________________________________________________________________ | | - Energy bars and/or packaged trail mix
- Bottled water
- Travel size first-aid kit
- Comfortable walking shoes
- Kit should be in one container and be ready to grab and go in the event you are evacuated from your place of work
| | _____________________________________________________________________ Your Vehicle Emergency Supply Kit _____________________________________________________________________ | | - Energy bars and/or packaged trail mix
- Bottled water
- Travel size first-aid kit
- Road flares
- Jumper cables
- Seasonal supplies (blankets, poncho, tools, etc.)
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