| AccessibilityIrvine Civic Center (949) 724-6732 Voice / TTY Transportation Accessible Irvine If you encounter any kind of accessibility barriers during your travels about town, be sure to report the information to the Office of Disability Services. A report will be taken and forwarded to the governing City department for investigation and remediation. For more information regarding Accessible Irvine or to file a report, call (949) 724-6732. Affordable/ Accessible Housing Request for Accommodations Our goal is to insure appropriate and equitable program opportunities. Disability Services has adopted a process to streamline the delivery of Community Services' class or activity to people with sensory, mental, or physical disabilities. To best serve the needs of Community Services' program participants, we require a completed Accommodation Request Application and a signed Release of Information Sheet. Please allow up to two weeks to ensure we are able to fill your accommodation request. For an Inclusion Program information packet, please contact Ryan McGraw at 949-724-6732.
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