| Family ServicesIrvine Civic Center (949) 724-6000 Family Services offers a variety of programming, listed below, as well as City representation with the following collaborations: Career Link, Chamber Link, Coastal Counties One-Stop Center, EDD (State of California Employment Development Department), Irvine Community Drug Prevention Red Ribbon Week Committee, Irvine Prevention Coalition, Irvine Valley College Disabled Students' Programs and Services Advisory Committee, Irvine Public Safety Family Services Unit, Orange County Council on Recreation for the Disabled, and SEED (Self Employment for the Entrepreneurial Disabled). Additionally, Family Services provides staff support for the City of Irvine's Residents with Disabilities Advisory Board and the Irvine Child Care Committee. Available Programs and Services Child Care Coordination Office (949) 724-6632 - Child Care Information and Referrals
- Mothers' Morning Program
- Child Resource Center
- Irvine Child Care Project
Disability Services (949) 724-6732 (TDD) - Information and support services to residents with disabilities
- Home lunch program for people with disabilities under the age of 65.
- Social/recreational opportunities and classes
- Community awareness events
- Informational seminars
- Transportation through TRIPS program
FOR Families (949) 724-6650 - Personal interviews
- Problem solving and goal setting
- Resource referral
- Community education classes
Irvine Youth Employment Service (949) 724-6740 - Referrals to local job opportunities
- Pre-employment consultation for high school/college youth
- Two annual job fairs: Holiday Job Fair and Summer Job Fair
Middle School Program (949) 724-6644 - After School Sports and Recreation Program
- After School Drop-in Program
- Vacation Teen Camps
- Middle School Youth Action Team
High School Youth Action Team (949) 724-6643 - Youth leadership
- Community service opportunities
- Social/recreational activities
TRIPS Transportation Service (949) 724-7433 (724-RIDE) - Transportation for Irvine residents with disabilities and older adults
- Provided to destinations within Orange County
- Mon - Sun
- Wheelchair accessible vans and buses

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