| FOR Families FOR Families provides information and short-term support to individuals, couples and families living in Irvine who need assistance identifying and accessing needed services and resources. Our focus is on supporting the well-being of our community members. Irvine Civic Center Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. For more information and to make an appointment, call 949-724-6650 or email. FOR Families is a confidential and free service to those who live in Irvine. Questions? Click here... FOR Families brochure, click here. |  | Services Include: - Personal interviews
- Creative problem-solving
- Community Education classes
- Information sharing
- Resource referral
- Goal-setting
- Workshops
Resources are Available for: - Stress
- Substance abuse
- Depression
- Family violence
- New resident assistance
- Aging parent issues
- Positive parenting
- Relationship problems
- Women in transition issues
- Legal and financial issues
- Teen/adolescent behavior difficulties
Managing Financial Overload Bullying Life as a Single Parent: Finding a Healthy Balance Childhood Obesity How to Tell If You Are Being Abused Does the person you love . . . -
Threaten to hurt you or your children? -
Call you names or accuse you of having affairs? -
Throw you down, push, hit, choke, kick or slap you? -
Say it is your fault if he or she hits you, and then promises it won’t happen again? -
Demean you in public or keep you from contacting family or friends? -
Lose temper and destroy property? -
Force you to have sex when you don’t want to? Just one “yes” answer means you’re involved in an abusive relationship. If so, you’re not alone and you have choices. The City of Irvine FOR Families program is here to help. Call 949-724-6650. | | 24-Hour Crisis Line Suicide Prevention Center 1-877-727-4747 Available to any Orange County resident, who is or knows of someone experiencing a crisis or suicidal thoughts and would like to receive immediate, confidential, and culturally and linguistically appropriate over-the-phone assistance. | Irvine Children’s Health Program (I-CHP) A program to assist income eligible families to access affordable quality health care for their children. Click here for more information and to schedule an appointment. | | |
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