| False Alarm Management | | What is a false alarm? A false alarm is defined as, “any activation or transmission of any alarm signal causing a police response where an emergency situation does not exist.” This definition can be found in the City of Irvine’s Alarm Ordinance 98-15.
Are alarm permits required to operate an alarm system in the City of Irvine, and is there a fee for such permit? Yes, any residence or business in Irvine with an alarm system is required to have an alarm permit. The alarm permit is issued free of charge. The application for the alarm permit can be acquired at the Irvine Police Department front desk, mailed to you by calling 949-724-6467, downloaded in PDF format or submitted online.
Is there a charge if my alarm system is activated? If your system is activated and the Irvine Police Department was able to determine that it was not a “false alarm”, there is no charge.
Alarm Users are allowed a maximum of 3 false alarms in a 365-day period. There will be a charge for any additional false alarms during this time, and the fees are on a sliding scale.
For more information on false alarms/fines, contact the Alarm Coordinator at 949-724-6467.
In terms of my alarm system, what does “no response” mean? No response means that the Irvine Police Department will not respond to your home or business if an alarm is activated if you have had seven or more false alarms within a 365-day period.
In addition to being placed on “no response”, the user’s alarm permit will be revoked, until the problem has been resolved through the Irvine Police Department’s false alarm appeals process.
What is the Alarm User’s Awareness Class? The Irvine Police Department, in partnership with the Orange County Alarm Association, has developed a one hour long program to teach alarm users about their alarm system, the Irvine Police Department’s response to alarms, and why it is important to take a proactive approach in avoiding false alarms.
This valuable and educational program is offered four times a year and alarm users may attend one Alarm User Awareness class each 365-day period. The registration fee is $15 and those who attend, will receive a credit voucher that can be applied towards their fourth false alarm charge.
For more information on this program or alarms, please contact the Alarm Coordinator at 949-724-6467.
Alarm User's Awareness Class |
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