| Rewarding Ways to Volunteer and Support the 2/11 Marines.Join the Advisory CommitteeThe Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly. They provide the leadership and organization for the activities of the committee. Activities include: Car Washes, Fundraisers, Special Events, Donation Drives, and more.
Meetings take place at 6 p.m. at: Lakeview Senior Center 20 Lake Road, Irvine CA, 92604
2015 Meeting Dates:
April 7 and 21 May 5 and 19 June 2 and 16 July 7 and 21 August 4 and 18 September 1 and 15 October 6 and 20 November 3 and 17 December 1 and 15 Volunteer at an Event There are plenty of duties to be filled by civilian help at the events. These duties involve setting up events, check-in, passing out fliers, food service, wrapping presents, assisting at the 2/11 informaiton table, etc. Volunteer your Services Donations of in-kind services allows the committee to better use reserve funds for other resources. In-kind services desired involve printing, graphic design, photography, equipment rental, food and beverages, decorations, mailing, legal or accounting services and more!
If you can assist or have questions, please email contact@irvine211marines.org
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