| Artists' Tales  | ARTISTS' TALES Exhibition: November 17 - December 21, 2012 Reception: Saturday, November 17, 6-8 p.m. | | Artists' Tales is a group exhibition that portrays the artist's vivid imagination through a visual narrative that ranges from the horror story to the fairy tale. The exhibition will feature four artists, each bringing their unique view to the visitor through their own distinctive artistic style. Artists in the show include: Erin Dunn, Kristi Kent, Nathan Margoni and Siobhan McClure. All four will create installations comprised of various media including sculpture, drawing, painting, video, sound and various mixed media forms. Visitors to this exhibition will be treated to a visual splendor that would not be unlike visiting a amusement park or a Halloween display, but woven artistically through the artist's own unique story line that surprises you at every turn. | PHOTO GALLERY | (Click arrow buttons below to view photos) | |
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