| Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) | WHAT IS D.A.R.E.? Originally developed in 1983, Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) is a program presented to elementary school students and is aimed at preventing the use of controlled substances, membership in gangs, and violent behavior. The subject matter in the program is taught by sworn police officers during regular school hours in a lecture presentation format using PowerPoint, videos, and demonstrations. The Irvine Police Department Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Unit fosters the curriculum used by D.A.R.E. America. The unit is responsible for maintaining strong relationships with school staff and administrators and provides the students with the specific tools and techniques to resist peer pressure and individual involvement in: -
Gangs -
Criminal activity -
Drug abuse -
Alcohol abuse -
Internet safety | |  |  | | WHAT IS A D.A.R.E. OFFICER? The Irvine Police D.A.R.E. Officers are selected members of the Department who are given no less than 80 hours of special training in the subjects of child development, classroom management, teaching techniques, and communications skills. Coupled with their experience in the field, D.A.R.E. Officers use their training to provide students education in areas such as: -
Skills to recognize and resist peer pressure -
Enhancement of self-esteem -
Assertiveness techniques -
Alternatives to substance use -
Anger management and conflict resolution skills -
Risk assessment and decision making skills -
How to reduce and prevent violence -
Interpersonal communication skills | WHO ARE MY IRVINE POLICE D.A.R.E. OFFICERS? The Irvine Police D.A.R.E. Unit is assigned to the Community Outreach Section of the Operations Support Division. The unit is commanded by a Police Lieutenant and comprised of one Police Sergeant who ovesees three sworn D.A.R.E. Police Officers and one non-sworn Public Safety Assistant. Click the link to the right to meet the Irvine Police D.A.R.E. Team! | |  | | |
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