| Irvine's Return Home Registry The Irvine Police Department’s Return Home Registry is an innovative program designed to assist officers in locating lost or wandering persons when they go missing from their home or caregivers. Because these can be critical times the program assists in getting vital information to law enforcement personnel to assist in locating your loved ones sooner. This voluntary program is offered at no cost to participants. The caregivers who wish to voluntarily register persons who may suffer from illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome or other debilitating illnesses and children with special needs. |  The goal of this registry is simply to reunite families as soon as possible. | Time is critical in these incidents, help us, help you, and your loved ones. Police Officers frequently respond to calls from citizens with requests for assistance in locating loved ones. This searchable database will provide police officers with the vital information they need to locate and return your family members. The Return Home Registry will be used in two ways: A loved one or care giver can notify the police department when they realize that their loved one is gone and information will already be on-hand and patrol officers will have the tools to better locate and return the individual home. If an officer or other police department personnel observes an individual that appears to be lost or confused, they will have tools on hand to quickly identify the individual and take them home. The Return Home Registry is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and does not collect or disseminate medical information. This program does not guarantee the safe return of your loved ones, but it will provide officers with an additional tool to locate and return your loved one. For more information call (949) 724-7193 to schedule an appointment or click here to begin the registration process. | |  Return Home Registry in the News View Video | |
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