| American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) - Health and Human Services
Nutrition Assistance Grant
Meals on Wheels
Nutrition Assistance Grant
Location: Citywide/Countywide
Allocation: $25,355
Funds Expended: $25,355
Status: Allocated
Start Date: June 2, 2009
End Date: September 30, 2010
Jobs Created: Increased Hours to Existing Jobs
Description: The City of Irvine, as a subgrantee of the County of Orange, has been awarded a Nutrition Assistance Grant in the amount of $25,355. The “Nutrition Stimulus Funds” are intended to help older Californians maintain their health and independence by providing meals to seniors in need of food and restoring congregate and home-delivered nutrition services and staff positions that may have been eliminated or reduced.
Meals served through the Federal Stimulus funds for FY 08/09 and 09/10
Dining Room – 3,057
Meals on Wheels – 2,547
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